Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Drums

I believe that the drums should be a public right. Who decides which services are made publicly available in communal spaces? Whoever it is, they don't play the drums. Personally, I would rather play the drums than, for example, talk on the phone, or drink from a water fountain (yech), or dispose of whatever waste I may have on my person. Or within my person.

Subway platforms, public parks, and airport lounges are all excellent places for public use drum sets. But, without doubt, the very best place for playing drums is while sitting on the can - yet how rarely does one find a public restroom properly fitted out with drums. Yes, one could accomplish this at home, but it simply isn't practical for many people, as few residential bathrooms, especially in older homes, are large enough to accomodate a drum kit. Public "handicap accessible" bathrooms, however, are almost perfectly sized.

Corporate conference rooms are also an excellent place for drum kits - yet I have never seen one so situated.

One issue with public drumming is, what about the sticks? They could easily be lost or stolen in a public setting. I have given this some thought and have a couple of ideas. One, they could have a string or wire attached like the pens in banks. Sure, they often don't work, but drum sticks have the advantage of not needing ink. Two, people could just carry their own. I for one would be happy to do this, and even to share with fellow citizens should the need arise.

Clearly, our society doesn't consider playing the drums to be a vital activity, as we do drinking, or urinating, or talking to people who are far away. I can understand. And yet, I think there would be more harmony if, when the mood struck, you could hammer out peals of double-kick rolling metal thunder and great splintering waves of ear-shattering cymbal fury. Particularly in densely populated urban areas.

Just something for the urban planners, corporate facilities managers, and public advocates out there to consider.


Unknown said...

Its hilarious!

Anonymous said...

You spend way too much time on the toilet my friend. Just shit and get off the pot, as they say.