Friday, October 19, 2007

Tuscan Milk


I was recently fortunate to have 2 poems accepted for publication in a well-known online magazine, the Amazon Product Review. They were running a special issue on the theme of Milk, so, as you will soon see, I quickly (but carefully) wrote these two poems. I thought for your convenience, I would reprint them here.

This is the first one:

Tuscan, tuscan milk
Husky tuscan milk
Large and in charge
Makes the other milks cry
I'm not telling you why.
From out of cow nipples
It creamily ripples
Into our hearts.
Tuscan, tuscan Milk

I also call that one "the longer one".

This is the second one:

I am as a sailor, upon seas of tuscan milk
Looking out for icebergs, I lick splishy splashes of milk from my sweaty brow, up in the crow's nast
I sail the tuscan sea, looking for a friend.

It's somewhat shorter, and also more free.

Now I know what you are probably thinking - "he's not as good as Mr Quickly." Well perhaps not. But we don't all have the wherewithall to turn pro.

Thank you for enjoying the poems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your publication. I often read the literary Journal, Amazon Product Review, and I think you are the best out there. Even better than Mr. Quickly.